Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Let Freedom Ring

Taking a break from the Project updates. Today is July 4th. As a lover of history, I find much to reflect on when it comes to our National Independence Day. I love that in this country, we choose our government and that government exists to serve the people. I love that we are free to worship, to gather in places like our Project did last night...on a cliff overlooking the ocean and Santa Cruz, to worship, pray, and watch the fireworks. We still have a ways to go in our country, but I thank God for these freedoms still and for the price that some had to pay so that we can celebrate this day.

This year, however, I find myself thinking much more about spiritual freedom than I do about political. How much more significant is our spiritual freedom from the oppression of our sin than any freedom that we have from political oppression or even social oppression. We were all originally created to be something else, something more. The very real sin in my life tells me daily that I am far from what God must have purposed. Yet, the Cross has given us the freedom to become that once again.

As our Project's staff and students contend for the true, Christ-redeemed, Asian American identity, I rejoice that freedom also means that we are free to indeed become what God has always intended us to be.

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