Thursday, June 22, 2006

Epic Bay Area Project 2006 - Part 2

June 22 - Students Arrive Today

Students arrive today. Normally, this would be a pretty hectic day, but given the fact that we have 8 total students on this Project...well, it definitely makes things less complicated and less stressful! Wonder how the dynamics will be? You can only tell so much about students from their applications and reference forms.

Staff arrived four days ago. Here are some observations about the staff team: This team is ready! One of the great benefits of starting a Project (especially one that nobody in the Campus Ministry seems to know about) is that you get to pick your own team. We've got some really experienced Asian American staff on our team. Well, that might be a bit misleading because, really, there aren't a whole lot of Asian American staff with Crusade...but we have some here with us. Furthermore, we have staff that really buy into Catalytic ministry and are excited to give this Organic approach a test drive. What an answered prayer! Someday soon, I hope and pray that this can be a Project that really develops young Staff and interns (Asian American or not). But for this first year, I am so thankful for the collective wealth of experience on the Staff team because, frankly, we need everyone's gifting and perspective to get to where we want to go.

Plus, I have no idea what I'm doing and their skills (bowhunting, nunchak, computer hacking, or otherwise) make up for what I lack. A nice portrait of how the Body of Christ should work.

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